Welcome to 'Bible Reading and Coffee Drinking'—your podcast fix for spiritual growth! Tune in every Monday and Friday to explore the Bible in easy-to-understand ways while sipping your morning coffee. We break down Bible chapters or themes, making them relevant to your daily life.
Stick around for listener questions at the end of each episode—we're all about building community and sharing insights. Our goal? To encourage everyone to dive into the Bible, find wisdom, and build a closer relationship with God. So grab your coffee mug, settle in, and let's explore together!
Stick around for listener questions at the end of each episode—we're all about building community and sharing insights. Our goal? To encourage everyone to dive into the Bible, find wisdom, and build a closer relationship with God. So grab your coffee mug, settle in, and let's explore together!
Episodes 19 - 35
EPISODE 35 - Special Christmas Episode - Luke 1 & 2: Jesus Christ Is Born
In Luke 1, we learn about the birth of John the Baptist and the events leading up to the birth of Jesus. In chapter 2, Luke summarizes Jesus' birth and the arrival of shepherds directed by angels. These two chapters describe the pregnancy of Mary and the circumstances surrounding the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, here on earth.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
EPISODE 34 - 1 Thessalonians 5: Being Thankful In All Circumstances
This final chapter of 1 Thessalonians continues to discuss the day of the Lord, assuring Christians that it will not overtake them. The day of the Lord will arrive like a thief in the night, which is not a welcome event. Also, it brings God's wrath upon unbelievers, whereas Christians—children of the light—will experience full salvation at the rapture. On a positive note Christians should keep on doing good to everyone and rejoice. They should keep on praying and offer thanks in every situation.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
EPISODE 33 - James 3-4: What We Say, What We Do And Who We Trust Matter
Words and wisdom are the focus of James 3. Uncontrolled words and the wisdom of the world always lead to destruction. Those who trust God understand that neither human speech nor human philosophy will lead them toward a faithful life. In James 4, James wants us to remember God's hand in our lives. Instead of presuming to plan our lives around our own ambitions, we should humbly seek after a life that will glorify God.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
EPISODE 32 - Genesis 8-9: God Makes A New Promise To Us
Genesis 8 and 9 tell the story of Noah and his family leaving the ark and helping God fulfill His purposes for His children. Because they were the only family on earth, they were a family in a similar situation as Adam and Eve. God also makes a new covenant and a new promise to us in the appearance of a rainbow.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
EPISODE 31 - Genesis 6-7: God Protects Us From Ourselves
In Genesis 6 and 7, God would not allow his good creation to self-destruct. Neither would he let all this wickedness continue to run rampant and unpunished. God had a purpose for creation, and it would not be thwarted.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
EPISODE 30 - Genesis 2-3: The Reason Why Life Is Hard
Genesis 2 concludes the description of God's week of creation and then zooms in on the creation of man, his work, his perfect environment, and the creation of woman as his helper and wife. It is our last glimpse of the world before it is ravaged by human sin and death with the disobedience of Adam and Eve in chapter 3.
Genesis 3 tells us about how sin entered the world. It also shows you how sin enters your life. Adam and Eve chose to do what they knew was wrong. They chose themselves over God, and by doing that, they damaged themselves.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
Genesis 3 tells us about how sin entered the world. It also shows you how sin enters your life. Adam and Eve chose to do what they knew was wrong. They chose themselves over God, and by doing that, they damaged themselves.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
EPISODE 29 - Romans 8: The Greatest Chapter In The Bible
Romans 8 is one of the most powerful and popular chapters in all the Bible. In it, Paul describes with great detail what it means to live as Christian, both now and for eternity. The chapter begins, as well, with one of the most comforting statements in all the Bible.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
EPISODE 28 - John 14: Don't Let Your Heart Be Troubled
John 14 continues Jesus' discussions with His disciples in anticipation of His death and records the promised gift of the Holy Spirit. Jesus speaks individually with Thomas, Philip and Judas (not the Iscariot); throughout this chapter. Jesus' purpose is to strengthen the faith of the apostles.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
EPISODE 27 - Proverbs 19: Wisdom Comes In Many Forms
In Proverbs 19, we learn to keep your integrity at all cost. The ones with integrity may be miserable for the moment, but the unethical rich are miserable for eternity. Thus the proverb teaches us to walk by faith, not by sight.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
EPISODE 26 - John 1: Who Is Jesus And Why Was He Here?
In this episode, we focus on John 1. The first chapter of John begins with a clear, expressive description of Jesus as identical to God the Father. It then segues to the ministry of John the Baptist, and the local religious leaders who questioned him. By the end of the chapter, Jesus has collected the first five disciples: John, Andrew, Peter, Philip, and Nathanael.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
EPISODE 25 - Galatians 6: How Christians Should Treat Each Other
In this episode, we continue our 6 part review of the book of Galatians. In Galatians 6, Paul expands his teaching about living in God's Spirit, which he gave at the end of Galatians chapter 5. It describes how Christians who live in God's Spirit should use His power to treat each other.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
EPISODE 24 - Galatians 5: Letting The Holy Spirit Lead You
In this episode, we continue our 6 part review of the book of Galatians. In Galatians 5, Paul encouraged the Galatian Saints to restore their faith in Jesus Christ and to trust that salvation is attainable only through Him rather than through obedience to the law of Moses. Paul concluded his letter by inviting members of the Church to become new creatures through Christ and to help others do the same.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
EPISODE 23 - Galatians 4: Saved By Grace Not The Law
In this episode, we continue our 6 part review of the book of Galatians. In Galatians 4, the primary theme is the contrast between Paul's original proclamation of salvation through faith and the new, false declarations that Christians must also obey the Old Testament law in order to be saved.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
EPISODE 22 - Galatians 3: Righteous People Should Live By Faith
In this episode, we continue our 6 part review of the book of Galatians. In Galatians 3, Paul continues to make the case that faith in Christ is all that is required to be justified—"made righteous"—in God's eyes. Paul also continues to write with great urgency. This matters deeply to him.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
EPISODE 21 - Galatians 2: We Receive Forgiveness Through Faith -- Not By Doing Good Works
In this episode, we continue our 6 part review of the book of Galatians. This second chapter begins with a crucial meeting between Paul and the other apostles in Jerusalem. It ends with a magnificent description of being justified before God through faith in Christ.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
EPISODE 20 - Galatians 1: Paul Focuses On The Correct Good News
In this episode, we start our 6 part review of the book of Galatians. This first chapter discusses how Paul is stating that he has been told by God to write to the people of Galatia on His account. Paul wants the people to do what is right in the eyes of God.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.
EPISODE 19 - Matthew 22: Jesus Teaches Us Valuable Lessons
In this episode, we are reading Matthew 22. This chapter discusses how God has provided a path to Heaven as well as the Great Commandment described by Jesus!
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If you prefer to watch this episode, you can access it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.